St. Peter's Stations of the Cross Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Traditional Catholic art gains a compelling new medium in gallery wrap canvas. Canvases featuring this modern art trend combine special printing technology and the technical skill of our craftsmen to carefully wrap and tuck the canvas around the back of a 3/4" thick engineered wood mount. This method creates an impressive visual display with a faux 3D effect as the image continues around all visible sides of the mount. The canvas is free of visible staples or tacks and stands alone with no need for a frame. Each canvas hangs with a wire in the back and has an attractive satin-matte finish.
The St. Peter's Stations of the Cross gallery wrapped canvas set is focus on Christ's humble conformity and surrender to His Father's will. Christ's vibrant red garment is a symbol throughout the series, which is at first seen upon Him and then upon His followers: Christ has died for us and given us His life. May these pictures conform us to our Lord so that we may always proclaim, "We adore you, O Christ and we bless you. Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world."
This set of 14 Stations provides a great source of meditation upon the Passion of Christ and are the perfect addition to the Lenten season. A beautiful set to grace any church or chapel. We've sent many of these sets over to Iraq and Afghanistan over the years to supply military field chapels for our men. We also make outdoor cedar shrines of this Way of the Cross for prayer walks and gardens. Handcrafted in USA.